Page name: Awareness Ribbons Moods [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-07-12 11:51:04
Last author: Jitter
Owner: Jitter
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awareness ribbons

All images here are just resized, you can find the actual mood images by clicking this link and searching the mood of your choice under my username ([Jitter])

AIDS, Heart Disease, HIV, Tuberculosis, Substance Abuse, Stroke, Love, Pro Life, Hypertension, Evans Syndrome
Menkes Disease
Paralysis, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Disorders, Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Ovarian Cancer, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Rape, Agoraphobia, Gynecologic Cancer, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, Batten Disease, Cervial Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Tsunami Victims, Food Allergies, Panic Or Stress Disorders, OCD
Pediatric Stroke, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hepatitis C, HIV / HCV Co-Infection
Marriage Equality
Appendix Cancer
Melanoma, Mourning, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Sleep Disorders, Gang Prevention, Narcolepsy, Gun Control, Accidents
Mourning a daughter, mourning a sister
Paranormal Awareness
Murder victims, self harm, self injury
Mourning a son, mourning a brother
Child Abuse Prevention, Police Lost in Duty, Teens Against Smoking, Prostate Cancer, Sex trafficking and Slavery Awareness, International No Diet Day, Hydranencephaly Awareness, Drunk Driving, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), Alopecia, Education, Colon Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Arthritis, Water Quality, Water Safety, Victim's Rights, Free Speech, Crime Victim's Rights, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Short Bowel Syndrome, Myositis, Hurricane Support, Huntington's Disease, Malaria, Cycling Vomiting Syndrome, Polio Awareness
Breast Cancer, Birth Parents, Cleft Palate, Nursing Mothers
Anti-Tobacco, Colorectal Cancer, Colon Cancer
Brain aneurysm, cesarian section, headaches and migraines, hemangioma, vascular malformation, hospice care, multpiple myeloma, william's syndrome, thrombophilia, adults with disabilities, adhesions, meningitis, polio survivor
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Pro life, Feminism
Childhood cancer awareness, breast feeding
Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Leukemia, Organ Donation, Stem Cell Research, Tourette's Syndrome, Hemochromatosis, Celiac Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Organ Transplant, HIV/AIDS testing, Environmental Protection, Childhood Depression, Missing Children, Kidney Cancer, Tissue/Organ Donation, Homeopathy, Worker and Driving Safety, Eye Injuries, Bone Marrow Transplants and Donation, Glaucoma, Save Darfur, Stem Cell Research, Save The Earth, Go Green, Recycling
Brain Tumour, Diabetes, Mental Illness
Inflammatory breast cancer
Hepatitis B awareness
Cancer awareness, epilepsy, rett syndrome, foster care and foster parents, infantile spasms, hysterectomy
Childhood cancer, prostate cancer, Trisomy 18, scleroderma, mens health, graves disease
Pelvic pain, celiac disease, STD awareness
Lymphoma & Lyme disease, Mental Health
Birth Defects, Infant Loss, Infertility, Male Breast Cancer, Miscarriage, SIDS, Pro Life, Genital Integrity, Inflammatory Breast Caner Awareness
Onimal protection, self injury, kidney cancer survivorship and awareness, ADHD, leukemia, hunger, cultural diversity, humane treatment of animals, self injury awareness, racial tolerance, feral cats, motorcyclist safety, multiple sclerosis, skin cancer, underage drinking, deep vein thrombosis, work zone safety
Uterine Cancer
Emphysema, lung cancer, mesothelioma, multiple sclerosis, lung disease
Pulmonary hypertension awareness, eating disorders, stomach cancer
ADHD, Alzheimer's Disease, Crohn's Disease, Domestic Violence, Epilepsy, Religious Tolerance , Eating Disorders, Sarcoidosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Childhood Stroke Awareness, Cystic Fibrosis, Pancreatic Cancer, Testicular Cancer, Thyroid Cancer, ADD, Animal Abuse, Victims of 9/11, The Homeless, Cancer Survivor, Pagan Pride
Cystic fibrosis
Gay Pride, LGBT support
Congenital heart defects
Brain disorders, Congenital cytomegalovirus, parkinson's disease, mental illnesses, elderly abuse, stalking
Addiction recovery
Anti-Pornography, Anti-War, Blindness, Bone Cancer, Molestation Survivor, Postpartum Depression, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Multiple Hereditary Exostoses, Gender Violence, Innocence, Victims Of Terrorism, Peace, Right To Life, Adoptees, Diabetes, Sexual Assault Of Students, Blindness, Bone Disease, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Anti Stalking, Holocaust Remembrance, Poverty, Gay Teen Suicide
Survivors left behind after a suicide
Suicide awareness and prevention, adoptive parents, bladder cancer, spina bifida, endometriosis, hope, liver disease, liver cancer, carbon monoxide poisoning, genocide awareness, troop support
Chemical injuries

Feel free to suggest more colours

To Do List:

-Awareness Ribbons

Many thanks to everyone who helps and especially my beloved [sequeena_rae] who slaved over this as well

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2009-07-11 [Jitter]: Amy more colours anyone? :)

2009-07-11 [Sir. Robert]: Yellow ribbon...I have seen for supporting soldiers over seas, and also anti-suicide

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: Thank you :)

2009-07-11 [Sir. Robert]: also... Lime Green = lymphoma & Lyme disease, and also a ribbon with puzzle pieces (like this) = autism

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: Oh I know about autism but I doubt the puzzle will show on the mood icon :/

2009-07-11 [Sir. Robert]: I saw a smaller version which is close

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: I'll try and make one :)

2009-07-11 [jaraden]: this is a brilliant idea.. but i almost think these causes should be featured on the main street whenever they come around!! but that might just be me!!

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Woops didn't read properly thanks jitter x

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Could you make a purple one for stroke and rheumatoid arthritis?

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: Absolutely :)

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Thank you xx

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: You're welcome *huggles*

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: for hypermobility. My condition has its own ribbon, awesome :p

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Teal is also for agoraphobia :)

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: :D will add those two tomorrow *takes notes* I should hit the bed. Pills make me feel awful >.<

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Ugh know the feeling x
I'll probably add some more if I find any, this is such a good idea x

2009-07-11 [Jitter]: You have the privs to add them to the page so feel free ;)

Thank you :3 I'll try and write a PCOS awareness/support wiki. It's a pity I took my sweet time to finally start bashing the fucker off my body :P

2009-07-11 [sequeena_rae]: Cool, didn't want to tamper :P

2009-07-11 [Linderel]: One of my teachers has a red ribbon pin on his suit lapel... ever since I noticed it, I've been curious as to which one of the possible meanings it stands for. <_<

2009-07-11 [Chimes]: *loiters* This is a wonderful idea <3

2009-07-12 [Skydancer]: Fascinating, and a very good wiki

2009-07-12 [Jitter]: Wow someone's been busy x) <3

Lin, red 99% of times stands for AIDS awareness

Thank you all!

2009-07-12 [sequeena_rae]: It's a wonderful idea and I had a lot of fun discovering what each colour stood for :)

2009-07-12 [sequeena_rae]: I was wondering, once you've done each ribbon would you consider making dividers personalised for each person?

I'd love one in my house :)

2009-07-12 [MisLuck]: Umm.. Even though I might sound stupid, I don't understand the meaning of the ribbons. In Finland we have the pink ribbon, but you get it if you buy something that will give money for those who has the breast cancer. Is the real menaning that if you have some disease you wear a ribbon for it or..?

2009-07-12 [Linderel]: I'm not entirely sure about this, but I would think that the ribbons are meant for everyone who wants to draw attention to the cause, whether they themselves suffer a disease or not.

2009-07-12 [Linderel]: Jitter, thought so. I'm just interested in the story... *nosy bitch*

2009-07-12 [Jitter]: I know they're worn as well to show that you suffer of/support research on several conditions. For example one might showcase the black-pink ribbon to express the loss of a daughter so they can find more people who went through it and talk about it.

2009-07-12 [Linderel]: And if I wear a rainbow ribbon, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm homosexual; it might just as well mean that I simply support the LGBT community. *nod* I should get one, in fact...

2009-07-12 [Jitter]: I'd love to make dividers but it depends on my time :) I will make you one though, pm me which ribbons you want :)

2009-07-12 [Tableau Vivant]: Wonderful wiki!

2009-07-12 [Jitter]: Thank you :)

2009-07-12 [sequeena_rae]: Thanks jitter, will do it later, waiting for my step dad to take Sean to the hospital

2009-07-13 [Thunder Cid]: Probably the best wiki I have stumbled on.

2009-07-13 [Jitter]: Thank you :)

2009-07-13 [Lothuriel]: This is cool. And for the record....if I wear a rainbow, it's because I like rainbows. I hate the fact that one group of people has taken claim on a rainbow. 

2009-07-14 [Jitter]: I agree. I'm neither for nor against gay people and it bugs me that rainbows stand as "for" now >>

2009-07-14 [Teufelsweib]: about the discussion above: it is an awareness ribbon, to draw people's attention and make them aware of whatever the ribbon stands for. the ribbon for 'murder victims' for example isn't only worn by those who were murdered :P

2009-07-14 [Teufelsweib]: furtheron, great wiki! :3

2009-07-14 [Imperator]: Suggestion: "Support the troops!" *throws grenade* Pop 'em! Bam!

2009-07-14 [sequeena_rae]: You're right vorkje, it's just a colour that people can identify with.

2009-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: Imp: these things are awareness for deseases and other bad conditions, not to support people killing each other. this is against suffering :)

2009-07-15 [Imperator]: People raise awareness for the troops too. It's unfair to say that they're not a legitimate cause regardless of your political views.

2009-07-15 [Chimes]: But they're not using them to say 'hey bomb people' they're using them for the soldiers... and bringing them home.

2009-07-15 [Teufelsweib]: these ribbons are for none political matter, but moral and humane matters. + they're international, also very important point.

I could also say that there should be a ribbon against the PVV and Geert Wilders, but none of you care about dutch politics either. these ribbons are for everyone, not just for a certain party who's for or against your war.

2009-07-16 [Imperator]: Teufelsweib: Every nation has "troops" and to support the "troops" of your nation regardless of your views on any conflicts they are engaged in is deemed to be patriotic, not just in America.

Chimes: Assuming I understand your comment right, I'm actually somewhat insulted. I never said "hey bomb people," I view "Support the troops" ribbons just like you said yourself: they're using them for the soldiers.

2009-07-16 [Chimes]: Imp, I found yours offensive, you said '*throws grenade* Pop 'em! Bam!'. It sounds like you enjoy the whole fighting and killing.

2009-07-16 [sequeena_rae]: I think this debate is redundant and should be taken somewhere else.

2009-07-16 [Imperator]: Oh fooey, Chimes. I was just being silly.

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